The Optimise Diet

The OPTIMISE programme, developed by the LEAP team at the University of Oxford, is a nine-week online course designed to help adults in the UK to reduce their meat consumption. This initiative is grounded in scientific research and aims to support healthier lifestyles and a more sustainable environment.

How Does It Work?

The programme is divided into three phases:

Week 1: Baseline Monitoring

  • Track your usual meat intake to understand your starting point.

Weeks 2-5: Active Reduction

  • Set specific goals to reduce meat consumption.
  • Daily logging of meat intake.
  • Receive personalized feedback and tips.

Weeks 6-9: Maintenance

  • Focus on sustaining the new eating habits.
  • Continued support and resources to reinforce changes.

Why Should You Participate?

  • Health Benefits: Reducing meat intake can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • Environmental Impact: Lower meat consumption helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserves water, and protects land resources.

About LEAP

LEAP (Livestock, Environment, and People) is a research program at the University of Oxford focusing on the impact of meat consumption on health and the environment. The team at LEAP aims to provide evidence-based recommendations to promote sustainable diets and improve public health.

Programme Details

Participants will have access to:

  • Educational Content: Learn about the benefits of reducing meat consumption.
  • Success Stories: Be inspired by others who have successfully reduced their meat intake.
  • Recipes and Alternatives: Discover practical tips and delicious recipes for incorporating meat alternatives into your diet.